We all have different incentives and VERY different obstacles that are put in the way of our goals. Our goals are varying as well, but since I've put myself on this crazy path when I tell people there is almost always a response of, "I could never do that." And the reality is none us of can, or will, if we think that way... I might not reach my goal but I damn well am going to give it a RED HOT GO! Why # 1 - Because if I cross that finish line or not my deceased father would be so proud of me...and that is still a driver in my day to day life. He was the first man, and possibly only to date, who believed I could genuinely do anything I put my mind to... #YOLOMF Cancer is a fucking horrible disease in how it must be fought. In the past two years I have lost three very amazing people who were directly or indirectly a part of this amazing life. Its been 19 years since I lost the two most important men in my life and I'm now at the age ...