“I don’t need sex, architecture f*c!s me all the time.” – unknown The music is loud, pumping, and intense with a deep beat pulsing through my mind. A sense of euphoria comes over me as I gently slide my pen in a perfectly straight horizontal line as it caresses the top edge of my scale ruler. Stop. Look. Assess. A sense of pleasure spreads across my body. I then rotate the scale ruler and begin the methodic scoring of the page from right to left – place rule, place pen, slide/glide, lift, look, assess. Repeat. Very slowly the soft HB lines become darker, thicker, and patterned and an image emerges from each permanent pen stroke that reinforces the diagram below. Each stroke evoking a moment of bliss and release of serotonin. This continues for hours and as the body tires; the intensity and focus and maintenance of control overrides the pain in one’s hands, wrist, back, and eyes. We love this, we crave it. And we wake up ...